LinkedIn company pages can be a powerful marketing tool for your business, when they’re used effectively. But too many companies set up a page and just include a brief description instead of taking advantage of the various features LinkedIn provides. If you want to create a vibrant page that will attract followers and generate leads for your business, beware of making the following mistakes that some companies are doing:
1. Leaving your cover image blank
Too many companies fail to include a cover image on their page. Similar to Facebook’s Timeline, LinkedIn allows you to upload an image that is at least 646 x 220 pixels. Not only can a cover image add an attractive element to your page, but it can also quickly convey your marketing message.
Here are a few examples from large and small firms:
2. Ignoring Products/Service area
LinkedIn offers you an opportunity to list your products or services on your company page, so why don’t more companies take advantage of this? In this section of your page you can include a brief description of your product/service, a link to your website, a YouTube video, and most important of all – recommendations from LinkedIn users!
3. Misusing the Products/Service area
On the other hand, some companies use the products/service area for other purposes, that just don’t make much sense. Take The Bride Guide UK as an example. This wedding resource website lists its Facebook page and Twitter account as services! Huh?
The description does mention that “you can advertise in a variety of sections on The Bride Guide.” I give them props for that. But the company doesn’t even include the URL of their Facebook page, so they’re missing the boat there.
Contrast this with the LinkedIn company page of U.S. based wedding directory, WedAlert. They wisely used a product offering to highlight the directory listings they sell!
4. Neglecting to Post Status Updates
Many companies are also not taking advantage of the opportunity to share updates on their pages. This is a perfect way for you to share useful information and content. Maintaining a regularly updated and engaging page is the best way to organically attract new followers to your page.
5. Failing to Get Recommendations
‘One of the most underused elements of a LinkedIn company page is the failure to ask for and then display recommendations. This feature is what sets LinkedIn heads and tails above Facebook business pages. When someone visits your company page and sees that their friend recommends your product or service, don’t you think that they will be much more likely to buy from you? Of course! Reviews and endorsements go along way. It’s in your best interest to display these on your page. Want to know the best way to get recommendations? Give them yourself!
Please follow my LinkedIn company page at—seo-copywriter so you can stay up to date on the latest SEO and social media marketing strategies to enhance your business.