[INFOGRAPHIC] Why Social Media is Essential for Customer Service

social media customer service
If your customers are on social media, your business better be there too. Customer service can be handled effectively through networks like Twitter and Facebook. And companies that ignore these channels, do so at their peril.

Case in point. I recently tried to buy tickets online to see Book of Mormon. The theater’s website wouldn’t let me finish the transaction. It was especially frustrating because I only had a limited amount of time to complete the purchase before the website released my seats to be purchased by someone else.

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Gloria Rand’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2015

Wow! Another year has come and gone. Can’t believe it. I think my aunt warned me about this when I was a kid. She said when you get older, the years start flying by. And she was right. Oh well…

Since 2016 is upon us, I thought it would be fun to find out what my most popular blog posts were this year. If you happened to miss any of them — shame on you! — Just Kidding! In all seriousness, if you did miss one, just click the link below and check the article out.

The top ten included several articles from 2014. That goes to show you why a blog is better than Facebook when it comes to connecting with prospects. A status update on Facebook has a lifespan of a few minutes. But blog articles live on for years! 🙂

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How to Manage a Social Media Crisis on Twitter [PODCAST]

social media crisis

Twitter can be an awesome marketing tool for small businesses. But it can all fall apart in an instant when an errant tweet either by one of your team, a disgruntled customer or some other person causes a full-blown social media crisis.

In today’s podcast episode, I share some tips from an infographic ActOn Software put together that describes how you can manage a social media crisis on Twitter.

You can listen to the episode above, or on iTunes or Stitcher (where I’d LOVE to get your reviews when you have a moment.)

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Why Brands Lose Social Media Followers [INFOGRAPHIC]

unfollow on social media

social media followersHave you noticed a dropoff in your Twitter followers? Ever wonder why someone stops liking your Facebook page?

You shouldn’t be concerned if a handful of people stop liking your brand. But if you start losing a significant number of social media followers, it’s time to worry. It means you’re not connecting with your fan base anymore. The fewer connections you have, the more difficult it will be to convert those fans into customers for your business.

BuzzStream and Fractl surveyed more than 900 people to find out their reasons why they stop following brands on social media. Here is what they discovered:

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