Still Writing Blog Articles? Why You Should Stop NOW!

writing blog articles

For years, I’ve been preaching to small business owners that they need to start a blog. Writing articles is a great way to demonstrate your expertise, so you can attract new leads.

I’ve also taught that B.L.O.G. stands for Better Listings on Google – since articles with keywords get noticed by your prospects when they’re searching for your topic on a search engine.

But I’m changing my tune.

That’s right. This SEO copywriter / internet marketing expert says you should stop writing blog articles NOW!

Here’s what I want you to do instead:

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25 Sure Ways to Get Extra Mileage from Social Media Posts

social media posts

If you’ve been involved in internet marketing for any length of time, you probably have heard the expression, “Content is king.” What you may not know is who coined that expression. Bill Gates! Yep, the founder of Microsoft first mentioned it over 15 years ago in an article he wrote suggesting that content would drive online sales, just as it did for broadcasting.

Boy, was he right!

There’s another important component to content that you need to think about, and that’s creativity. You see, it’s not only important to write useful content for your blog or website that meets the needs of your prospects. In order to get the most mileage out of that content, you need to be creative about how to use it. That means creating a variety of social media posts to promote that content. The more channels on which you can spread your message, the more potential clients you will have for your small business.

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How to Make a Blog Compelling with Images

You’ve probably heard the expression, “Content is King,” by now, right? Sharing useful content is a sure-fire way to make a blog relevant to your audience. But what type of content? Words are important. You’re reading this article, right now, aren’t you? 🙂

But know what else can make your blog compelling? Images!

In this podcast episode, I share 14 ways to use images to make your blog more appealing to read, to keep your readers coming back, and to increase your credibility, so you can convert those readers into customers.

You can listen to the episode above, or on iTunes or Stitcher (where I’d LOVE to get your reviews when you have a moment.)

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12 Step Guide to Content Writing [INFOGRAPHIC]

content writing guide

content writing guideAre you struggling to write an article for your company’s blog? I know what you’re going through. I’ve been there. Some days, it’s just not easy to get in a writing groove. That’s why you need a system (or a professional copywriter!) to help with the content writing process.

MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer Ann Handley has put together a terrific infographic that illustrates a clear, 12 step guide to writing content. The first step Ann recommends is the same advice I give small business owners when they start a blog: You need to have an end-goal in mind before you ever start writing. Ask yourself, “What is my objective for this content?” Is it to educate my prospect? or… Is it to sell my product or service?

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How to Repurpose Content in 5 Easy Steps [INFOGRAPHIC]

repurpose content One reason small business owners have trouble keeping up with social media is that they have trouble coming up with new content to share. The secret to successful social media and content marketing is repurposing! That is… taking the content you’ve already created and turning it into a different type of content that can be shared on social networking sites.

This infographic from Blue Crow Studio illustrates five easy steps you can take to repurpose your content:

1. Write: Create an original, concise and compelling article with actionable tips, and then spread the message by publishing it.

2. Blog: Your content should be published as a blog article first, since this is the hub of your social media strategy. Every time you share this content, traffic should be directed back to your website and company blog.

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