If you’re a business owner, odds are that when you were first starting out, you wondered how you would ever stand out from the competition. Even if you’ve been in business for several years, and have reached some level of success, I’d hazard a guess you still feel that way from time to time.
It’s a good thing, because in order to be successful, you need to stand out from the crowd. Your target audience must know why you are different than everyone else in your industry.
But what if you don’t feel that your product or service.. or even YOU are unique? I can assure you that you are. I recently attended an event where author, coach and radio personality Mel Robbins was the keynote speaker. At one point during her talk, she asked someone in the audience this question (I’m paraphrasing a bit): “What are the odds that you were born at this exact time, to the particular parents you have, with the particular DNA strands you have?”
My guess (and the audience member’s) was one in a trillion.
The real answer: One in 400 Trillion!
Still think you’re not unique? Think again! No one has had the exact same upbringing or life experiences as you. And those experiences are what you bring to the table of whatever business you’re currently in. The trick is to convey that uniqueness to your target market.
If you need help figuring out what makes you unique, contact a life coach. I know several and will be happy to give you a referral. On the other hand, if you know what makes you unique, but that message is not coming through to your target audience, contact a copywriter.
A skilled copywriter will learn all about you, the features and benefits of your product or service, as well as what keeps your target market “up at night.” The copywriter’s job is to convey how your product or service will eliminate your prospect’s pain, and why someone should do business with you.
If you’re not sure whether your online message is clear, ask a friend to visit your website. Or contact me. I’ll be happy to take a look and give you some feedback.
Like a tireless journalist, a good copywriter will be relentless in her pursuit of the facts. She won’t quit until she understands the product or service she is writing about completely and the target audience she is trying to persuade.