Oh brother… Google+ has launched a new feature called “Communities” where people can get together and talk about the interests they share. If you think this sounds a whole lot like Facebook or LinkedIn Groups, you’d be right!
It never ceases to amaze me how Google+ is supposedly, “…just an upgrade to Google,” according to Google’s Vic Gundotra. And yet, it keeps introducing features that are similar to its social networking site competitors.
Should you care about Google+ Communities?
If you enjoy Google+ and want to spend more time connecting with people who share the same interests, then go right ahead, and search for a community to join, or start your own. You can find out how to do just that by clicking this link: https://support.google.com/plus/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2888328&topic=2888488&ctx=topic
On the other hand, if you spend more of your time on Facebook or LinkedIn, and are pretty active in groups there, I wouldn’t worry about rushing in. I’m still not convinced that Google+ is worth my time, despite the potential benefits to search.
If you disagree, please share your comments below. I’d love to know why!