How to Get More Pinterest Followers – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Pinterest followersIf your target audience includes women, your company should have an active presence on Pinterest. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. 80 percent of Pinterest users are female, according to RJMetrics (Click to tweet)
  2. More than 90 percent of all pins are created/shared by women
  3. Over 70 percent of U.S. household spending is controlled by women

Of course, the key to being successful on Pinterest, or any other social networking site for that matter, is acquiring followers. If you’re not sure how to get more followers on Pinterest, this infographic from WhoisHostingThis? can help.

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3 Common “About Us” Page Mistakes

By Gloria Rand
About UsAs a copywriter, one of the more common assignments I get from clients is helping them rewrite the About Us page for their company’s website. Over the years, I’ve noticed that companies make a few common mistakes when it comes to this all-important page.

Why is this page important?

After the home page, the About Us page is often the reason why someone will consider doing business with you. It must be written in a way that persuades your prospect to call.

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3 Common SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them

By Gloria Rand
Common SEO Mistakes Worrying about the latest algorithm change from Google won’t make a difference to your website’s search ranking if you’ve made a common SEO mistake like optimizing for common words or using your company name as the title tag for every page on your website. Here are three other SEO mistakes to avoid, and how to fix them:

1. Building poor quality backlinks – Link building is an important part of online marketing, but it’s not the “be all and end all” as my mother used to say. Some unscrupulous SEO firms tout the importance of backlinks, but they charge you a fortune to acquire poor quality links from spam websites, irrelevant sites or sites built solely for the purpose of exchanging links. The problem with this strategy is that it can do more harm to your business website than good, especially in the post-Google Penguin era.

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