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How to Get More Pinterest Followers – [INFOGRAPHIC]

Pinterest followersIf your target audience includes women, your company should have an active presence on Pinterest. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. 80 percent of Pinterest users are female, according to RJMetrics (Click to tweet)
  2. More than 90 percent of all pins are created/shared by women
  3. Over 70 percent of U.S. household spending is controlled by women

Of course, the key to being successful on Pinterest, or any other social networking site for that matter, is acquiring followers. If you’re not sure how to get more followers on Pinterest, this infographic from WhoisHostingThis? can help.

Here are a few interesting stats WhoisHostingThis included:

    47% of U.S. online shoppers have made purchases based on Pinterest recommendations
    One Pinterest pin generates an average of $0.78 on ecommerce sites
    A pin is repinned an average 10 times, compared to 1% of the time for the average tweet

See the full infographic here:

Pinterest Followers2

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About the Author
Known as The Insightful Copywriter, Gloria Grace Rand is also an inspirational speaker, author and host of the Live. Love. Engage. podcast. Prior to launching her SEO Copywriting business in 2009, Gloria spent nearly two decades in television, most notably as writer and producer for the award-winning PBS financial news program, “Nightly Business Report.”

Gloria turned to writing as a way to communicate, since growing up with an alcoholic father and abusive mother taught her that it was safer to be seen and not heard. But not speaking her truth caused Gloria problems such as overeating, control issues, and an inability to fully trust people. After investing in coaching & personal development programs, and studying spiritual books like “A Course in Miracles,” Gloria healed her emotional wounds. Today, she helps entrepreneurs develop clarity, confidence and connection to the truth of who you are, so you can create a business that has more impact, influence and income!

2 thoughts on “How to Get More Pinterest Followers – [INFOGRAPHIC]”

  1. I spent a lot of time looking for a tool I can rely on to schedule my Pins. Lets be honest..we can’t spend our whole day on Pinterest, and if we don’t do it, we can’t make it big :-/ So the solution? A scheduler… Literally tried and tested almost every noticeable tool on the internet..even got a couple of accounts banned, and then got to know about Gave it a try, and since then, haven’t looked for any other tool. Great tool, great features.
    I like the way it intelligently learns and pins only pins relevant to my business to my boards. I normally schedule a week’s pins on mondays and it does the rest 😀 It does all the Pinterest-related operations on Auto-Pilot, so yes, it is literally my Pinterest Media Manager 😀
    The ads keep coming up, so its a bit annoying, but other than that, PinPinterest is truly the tool you’d want if you want to rule Pinterest B-)


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