5 Proven Social Media Platforms to Try Out in 2018

social media platforms

By now, if you’re a small business owner or an entrepreneur, you’ve implemented a social media marketing campaign on Facebook — maybe Twitter. You understand the importance of encouraging your audience to share information about new products and react to how your target audience responds.

Facebook and Twitter may be the juggernauts of the social media marketing platforms, but there are plenty of other social media platforms you should have a strategy for in 2018 to gain more clients, analyze feedback about your company or brand, and to conduct market research. Below are some other social media platforms rather than Facebook and Twitter that can help you reach a much wider array of demographics that future clients may be hiding in. 

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Should Your Company be on Snapchat? [INFOGRAPHIC]

SnapchatIf you’re over 30, you may not have heard of Snapchat. I’m certainly in that age category, (darnnit!), but I learned about Snapchat from my 21-year-old daughter who has used it to talk with friends. This direct messaging app has been around since 2011, but it’s only been in the past year that marketers have started getting on board, thanks to Snapchat’s amazing growth. The company has 30 million users, most of whom are between 18 and 25 years old.

Mashable reports that Snapchat will start offering ads, TV and movie clips and news articles this fall. Brands like Taco Bell and McDonald’s have already launched accounts on Snapchat to reach the app’s young demographic. But does that mean you need to get on board too?

Small business owners in particular can get overwhelmed with social media, considering the many different platforms out there, like Facebook, Twitter, and lately, Instagram. If you’re not sure whether you should be on Snapchat, this handy infographic quiz from Flightpath should help.

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Marketing with Snapchat in Wake of Security Breach

Marketing with SnapchatBy Gloria Rand

Are you marketing with Snapchat yet? You may think twice about it in light of this week’s security breach. An anonymous hacker on Tuesday published a database on SnapchatDB.info containing millions of usernames and their corresponding phone numbers, and the leaked information quickly ricocheted across the Web. Privacy experts say the breach could have been worse, but it still may give marketers pause.

If you’re not familiar with Snapchat, it’s a service that allows you to send photos and videos to your friends that disappear within one to 10 seconds after they receive it. It’s popular among college students (unlike Facebook, which we “old” folks have taken over). And it has been gaining popularity among some businesses as the latest, greatest social media marketing tool. Since Snapchat images or videos last only a few seconds, it can be a clever marketing tool for companies that want to offer sneak glimpses of new videos or products.

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