How Solopreneurs Can Maximize Their Instagram Marketing

Instagram marketing

Instagram has become one of the most popular social media apps on the market. For solopreneurs, it provides an easy way to share images and videos that support your branding efforts and provide additional value to your audience.

Knowing how solopreneurs maximize their Instagram marketing helps you generate greater visibility for your business so you can leverage new opportunities for future growth.

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Blockbuster Marketing: 5 Lessons from Hollywood Hits [INFOGRAPHIC]

hollywood blockbuster marketingSpending much time at the movie theater this summer? Nearly every weekend, there’s another new release begging for your attention. From Jurassic Park to Inside Out… the hits just keep on coming.

There’s no doubt that Hollywood does a bang up job of promoting its movies. And as a small business owner, you can learn a thing or two about how to promote your own products from Hollywood’s blockbuster marketing.

That’s exactly what the folks at Marketo have done. They’ve compiled an infographic that highlights five key marketing lessons for companies to emulate from the motion picture industry:

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Why it Pays to Spend Money on Website Content

When will people learn that good writing is NOT a commodity, especially when it comes to website content? You can’t expect to get good quality content and only pay a penny a word!

Ok, let me explain what prompted this rant….

I’m a member of the American Writers & Artists copywriting group on LinkedIn. I received one of my regular emails from LinkedIn today with the latest discussions and comments from the group. One of the new discussions caught my eye. The headline read: SEO Friendly Content Writing – Only $1 / 100 words!!! Try now.

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