7+ Ways to Repurpose Old Content to Get New Leads

If you’ve been blogging for a long time, like me, you have probably published a lot of educational content in an effort to attract prospects for your business and get new leads.

People consume information in a variety of ways, so if you’re only writing blog articles, you’re missing out on the audience that only wants to watch videos, for instance.

My recommendation is to repurpose those blog articles, (or any other content you produce), so you can get more mileage out of them, and reach more people who will be interested in what you have to say.

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Still Writing Blog Articles? Why You Should Stop NOW!

writing blog articles

For years, I’ve been preaching to small business owners that they need to start a blog. Writing articles is a great way to demonstrate your expertise, so you can attract new leads.

I’ve also taught that B.L.O.G. stands for Better Listings on Google – since articles with keywords get noticed by your prospects when they’re searching for your topic on a search engine.

But I’m changing my tune.

That’s right. This SEO copywriter / internet marketing expert says you should stop writing blog articles NOW!

Here’s what I want you to do instead:

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[Case Study] How Blogging Boosted Monthly Page Views for Elegant Custom Images

monthly page viewsThink blogging is a waste of time for your small business?

Think again!

I recently helped an Orlando landscape lighting company boost the total monthly page views for its website, an average of 39% percent over a 6 month period through regular blogging.

Elegant Custom Images contacted me in 2012 because the company wasn’t getting many phone calls or leads for its landscape lighting services. The company relied heavily on its website as a marketing tool, but the site wasn’t consistently ranking on page one of search results for local keywords.

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5 Ways to Repurpose Blog Articles to Get Leads

repurpose blog articles One of the first blog articles I ever wrote was called 4 Ways to Leverage Your Blog Content to Get More Leads. Since it’s been a number of years since that article was published, I thought it was high time for an update on how to repurpose blog articles!

I love blogging. It’s hands down one of the most effective marketing tools for a small business owner (besides email – but more on that later). The more often you blog, the more traffic your website gets, and the more potential leads you get too.

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My Writing Process Blog Tour

This article is a bit of a departure from the tips and strategies on social media marketing and search engine optimization you normally find here. I was invited by a good friend, Wendy Pitts Reeves, to take part in this blog tour which explores the writing process. I met Wendy at a Spark & Hustle conference a couple of years ago. She was so excited because she had just come up with a new direction for her coaching business. That seed of an idea eventually became “Secret Adventures for Courageous Women.” You can read her blog tour article here.

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