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How to View Your Facebook Fans

Do you know how to see the people and pages that have liked your Facebook page? There are two ways. The easiest way is to first use Facebook as your page.

Seeing Facebook Fans in Page Mode

Once you’ve switched to page mode, you’ll see the person icon at the top of your wall indicating how many new fans you have.

Facebook Fan Icon

Click on that icon and a new window will open up displaying your fans.

New Facebook Likes

Then, when you click on “See All” at the bottom, another window will pop up where you can segment your list into people, pages, admins and banned.

See Facebook Likes

Seeing Facebook Fans in Profile Mode

You can also see who your fans are in profile mode. Click on “like this” underneath the total number of fans on the left-hand side of your wall. Doing this brings up your Facebook Insights page. On the right-hand side of the page, underneath where it says “Export Data”, you’ll see a link that says “See Likes.” Once you click that, a new window will open up displaying your fans. Seeing Facebook Fans from Profile Mode

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About the Author
An online marketer, SEO copywriter, and speaker for 15+ years, Gloria Grace Rand has helped over 150 companies including AAA and Scholastic Book Fairs attract and convert leads into sales.

Losing her older sister to cancer propelled Gloria on a journey of spiritual awakening that resulted in the publication of her international best-selling book, "Live. Love. Engage. – How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Being Yourself."

Known as “The Light Messenger” for her ability to intuitively transmit healing messages of love and light, Gloria combines a unique blend of energy healing techniques, intuition, and marketing expertise to create transformational results for her clients.

2 thoughts on “How to View Your Facebook Fans”

  1. So, how can i get people to my boaefock fan page if none of my friends are interested in what I’m interested in (graphic design)? I’ve noticed I was able to get around 30 friends to follow my page, but nothing after that. I expected to get other’s interested in graphic design to check out my page and become followers, but that hasn’t been the case. I guess I have to look more into it. Any tips would be appreciated.

    • Goran,

      What is your Facebook page URL? I’d be happy to take a look at it and see if I can figure out why you’re having trouble attracting more fans. In the meantime, make sure that you are posting at least once a day. Try experimenting with different times of the day too. Try to think like your fans, and post what they would like. You can also ask them what they’d like to see on your page. If you’re active on Twitter, link the two accounts. I’ve added quite a few Twitter followers since I connected the two networks.


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