The “Silent” Partner in Your Business Success

partner business success

If you’re a solopreneur like I am, you may long for a partner to help you achieve business success faster. Creating a business partnership has advantages. It can help you bridge the gap in expertise and knowledge that you may be lacking. A partner might provide a cash infusion that the business needs. And a partner can bring new opportunities to the business that you wouldn’t necessarily find on your own.

There are risks to having a partnership. Now you’ve got someone else invested in the business who may not always see things your way. There’s a greater chance of conflict and instability in a partnership. That’s why many solopreneurs opt to build a team of people instead.

You can hire virtual assistants to manage things like social media, copywriting, accounting, etc. It’s easier to grow when you have people doing the things you don’t like to do, or the things that are too time-consuming when you should be engaging in revenue generating activities.

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Which Social Media Platform is Right for Your Small Business [INFOGRAPHIC]

small business social media
Does your head swim when you think about social media marketing? If you’re a small business owner, and in particular, a solopreneur, I suspect it does. There are so many social networking sites available: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ and YouTube, and don’t forget about Vine! How can you be expected to maintain a presence on these sites and still run your business?

The short answer is, you can’t. Not well anyway! When I work with clients, I recommend that they focus on one social network first and master that one before starting a presence on another site. But not every business is suited for every social networking site.

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11 Tips for Hosting a Successful Webinar

hosting a webinar Hosting your own webinar is a great way to generate leads and sales for your business. But there is a right way and a wrong to do it. I recently shared some lessons on what NOT to do, based on my experience as a webinar attendee. In this article, you’ll learn what you SHOULD do to ensure your audience gets value out of your presentation.

Before the Webinar:

#1 – Know your audience

Before you even set a date for the webinar, you should have in mind exactly who your target audience is for this webinar. That will determine what content you present, and how you go about marketing the event.

#2 – Set your goal

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