25+ Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid [INFOGRAPHIC]

By Jisha Shah

SEO is an effective tool through which you can achieve higher ranking and traffic for your website. However, not all SEO techniques can be beneficial. There are some search engine optimization tactics that can get your site penalized or worse yet, banned and thus, if you are unaware of what these tactics, then here is an infographic guide that highlights the top 25+ SEO mistakes to avoid.

SEO Mistakes

SEO mistakes, if not rectified, can adversely affect your site’s ranking & traffic. Plus, it can lead to higher bounce rate resulting in low sales & conversion rate. Moreover, search engines frown upon methods that results in poor user experience and therefore, fixing these mistakes immediately is important, if you want your site to be a user-friendly as well as search engine friendly platform.

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Understanding Google Analytics [INFOGRAPHIC]

Google analytics

google analyticsDo you have trouble understanding Google Analytics? You’re not alone! I’ve spoken with many small business owners over the years who don’t have a clue how this powerful and FREE tool can help them improve their web traffic and generate more leads and sales for their products/services.

Here are a few key metrics to look for when reviewing Google Analytics.

#1) Bounce Rate – This is the percentage of single page visits to your website. If you have a high bounce rate, that means people are leaving your website after just visiting one page. The goal, then, is to have a low bounce rate, since that means people are staying on your site and viewing more of your content.

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