[tweetmeme]How many times have you heard that Facebook is killing email? Don’t believe it for a second. Social Media Strategist Jay Baer was the keynote speaker at the SocialFresh EAST Social Media Conference this week and he mentioned a couple of interesting statistics in his speech:
#1 – 58% of adults check their email first thing in the morning, while only 11% check Facebook.
#2 – 84% of Facebook fans are current or former customers.
Jay also made this great analogy – Email is Madonna, while Facebook is Lady Gaga. That makes so much sense, when you think about it. Both services function much the same way – they are tools to help your customers remember you! Here is a list of the ways Jay suggested the two are similar:
- Email Subscribes = Facebook Likes
- Email Unsubscribes = Facebook Unlikes or Hides
- Email Opens = Facebook Reach
- Email Clicks = Facebook Engaged Users
- Email Forwards = Facebook Shares
So, the point is that instead of thinking Facebook will replace email (how can it, since you need an email address to sign up?), the strategy should be to integrate the two to build your brand, connect with your audience, and grow your business. Here are a few ways to make the two work together for you:
1. Use a landing tab on Facebook and offer a special report or coupon in exchange for an email address.
2. Promote your Facebook page in your email confirmations.
3. When someone unsubscribes from your email list, suggest that they follow you on Facebook instead!
4. Create socially segmented email lists. If your email service provider gives you the opportunity to include a “social share” option, keep track of the subscribers who share your emails. Then, when you want to offer a special Facebook deal, email those subscribers, since they are already social-savvy and will be more open to your offer than the rest of your list.
5. Use Facebook to source email content. Ask your fans for ideas and then share those ideas in an email newsletter.
6. Let your Facebook fans know ahead of time when you’re going to send an email to give them first notice.
7. If you have a successful status update on Facebook, one that generates a lot of comments, email it to your list right away to keep the momentum going.
How do you combine email and Facebook in your marketing efforts? If you do something different, please comment below!
© Copyright 2012 Gloria Rand
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Gloria Rand is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Copywriter & Marketing Consultant who works with entrepreneurs and small business owners to implement SEO strategies and social media marketing for online visibility, profits and success. Leveraging her background as a writer and producer for the award-winning PBS news program, “Nightly Business Report,” with her own experience as a small business owner, Gloria helps professionals turn great ideas into cash cows. Link up with Gloria at www.gloriarand.com or www.fb.com/gloriarandcopywriter.
Nice comparison: Madonna and Lady Gaga. Facebook will never give the possibility to send all types of file, and security is less. E-mail has its advantages, while Facebook his own too. But you nicely admitted that together they can provide a poerfull strategy.
It’s between Professional vs. Unprofessional value. One cannot replace the importance of another and it if your email campaign targets both Email & Facebook at the same time; it will give you better result. I’m sure Mark must be thinking of launching Facebook PRO or something like that :-).