3 Major SEO Mistakes that Keep Bloggers from Attracting Readers

SEO mistakesDo you want to get more web traffic to your blog? Of course you do! After all, more traffic means more readers. And, if you’re blogging for business, more potential customers!

In order to attract more readers, you first need to make sure that you’re not making one of these 3 major SEO mistakes:

#1: No keyword research – This is an essential step! It’s important to use the keywords your readers are using to search for your blog article topic. This will ensure your blog article shows up in the search results. You don’t have to do keyword research each time you write an article. If your blog focuses on a particular subject area, do some keyword research every two weeks or at least once a month. This way you can stay current on the most popular searches. Then you can use those phrases in your article.

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Why Meta Tags are Important for Search Engine Marketing

meta tags and search engine marketing

meta tags and search engine marketing If you have a website for your business, I can almost guarantee that at one time or another, you have been approached by a company to engage in search engine marketing. This is a type of Internet marketing that involves promoting websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimization and advertising.

One of the first steps in optimizing a website for the search engines is to add keywords to your website’s meta tags.

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