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Soul-Led Success: Why Your Intuition Is Your Best Business Partner

If you’re looking for a business partner, you don’t need to search any farther than the nearest mirror. It’s the intuitive voice inside of you that is the key to creating soul-led success. In this enlightening episode, I share my personal journey of learning to trust those inner whispers and how it has transformed my business and life.

Show Notes | Transcript

“When you get these ideas, it’s important to follow through on them. Because I don’t know about you, but I know for me when I’ve ignored those gut feelings, it’s usually cost me something.” – Gloria Grace Rand    

Drawing from my experiences as the founder of Align to Shine Academy, I explore the power of intuition in business decision-making and why it’s crucial for spiritually minded women to tap into this innate wisdom.

Discover how to:

  • Recognize different forms of intuition, from clear knowing to bodily sensations
  • Balance practical business strategies with intuitive guidance
  • Strengthen your intuitive abilities through practice and mindfulness

Key insights include:

  • The scientific basis of intuition and how it processes information faster than conscious thought
  • Why spending time in quiet reflection can enhance your intuitive abilities
  • How following intuitive nudges can lead to unexpected business opportunities and growth
  • The importance of discerning between ego-driven fears and true intuitive guidance

I also share personal anecdotes of how following my intuition led to writing my book “Live Love Engage” and creating the Soulful Women’s Network, demonstrating the tangible benefits of trusting your inner wisdom in business.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your spiritual business journey, this episode offers valuable insights on harnessing the power of intuition to create a more aligned and successful venture. Tune in to learn how embracing your inner guidance can lead to profound shifts in your business and personal life!


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Live. Love. Engage. Podcast: Inspiration | Spiritual Awakening | Happiness | Success | Life


Namaste. How often do you rely on your intuition when you are making decisions in your business versus just kind of powering through and just getting stuff done, you know, and just following through on you got a plan, you’re going to do the plan and just ignoring those got feelings perhaps or other things that come up, other, you know, divine downloads and things like that. Well, we’re going to be diving into this today and it’s, it’s a topic that I love because following intuition is something that it didn’t used to do very well. But I do pay attention to it now and I’ll explain why that’s important as we go on. But first, I do want to welcome those of you who may be new to the podcast podcast. If this is your first time joining us, I want to welcome you and introduce myself. I am Gloria Grace, founder of Align to Shine Academy, and I work with spiritually minded women, helping them to really be able to step into their potential and you know, not let self doubt stop you. So let’s, let’s dive into intuition and talk a little bit about just what it is and why it’s important. And, and I, I will just, just let you know that I, I followed my intuition today in that I was all, all dressed up here to do an interview for somebody else’s podcast and they had to cancel. And I thought, well, gosh, I’ve, you know, hey, I, I look good, I got the makeup on, I might as well just go ahead and record my, my podcast today. Even though I was thinking I probably wouldn’t do it, but what the heck. And, and I think that’s, that’s kind of the thing that I think is important is that when you get these ideas that it’s important to follow through on them. Because I don’t know about you, but I know for me when I do have, you know, sometimes you, you get that feeling in your gut or maybe you, maybe you’re, and maybe it’s your brain that’s, you know, you hear this little voice in your head saying, you know, why don’t you do it this way, why don’t you, why don’t you try it that way? And when I’ve ignored those, it’s usually cost me something.

And I remember, I remember one, one example and this is going back a long time ago. I think I was driving and I, well actually, oh wow. I just remembered one, one very costly time when I was a new driver actually and made, made a turn too late and wound up hitting another car. And my mom was in the car with me at the same time. And so she was not too happy because she hit her head on the windshield. And, and I think it’s, you know, because I wasn’t trusting myself enough then. I was, you know, I think she was saying, well, you know, turn or don’t turn or whatever. And I didn’t, I didn’t trust myself. And that’s what it comes down to really is, is. Is intuition is about starting to lean into your own innate inner wisdom. And you know, with, with age comes wisdom, they say. And, and I think it’s, it’s. It also lends itself as we get older that we do start maybe having these incidents where we don’t follow our intuition and then we wish we had. And so then when we do get these little inklings, we start following them and it really makes a difference. And there are. I’m going to give you, I’ll give you some more examples about how this is. At least it’s benefited my business, in fact. But I want to share with you a couple different ways that it’s. That intuition may apply to you and how. Because we are all wired differently and there are different ways that you might pick up on information. And so for instance, there’s maybe like a clear knowing where you get a sudden insight or a download about a business direction. You know, a lot of times being in the shower, you might get ideas in the shower that’ll just kind of pop into your head. And for me, I mean, one of, one of those was. Although, yeah, one of those was where I just had this idea popped into my head that said I should write a book about love. And that wound up being my book, Live Love Engage. So it was, you know, this idea that just came. Came to me all of a sudden and I was like, where did that come from? It was like I was. Because my business was really online marketing at the time as opposed to coaching that I do now. And I thought that was just kind of interesting that it sort of happened to show up like that. And I mentioned earlier, you know, that gut feeling, you know, so you might, you might have actual bodily sensations where you, you know, maybe get butterflies in your stomach or maybe your. To really kind of go, oh, you know, get really excited. And, and you know, I have, I’ve. I think, I don’t know if this is exactly the, the right example for that, but I think when I was. I was attending a. A conference and they were promoting a mastermind to join, and I started getting really, like, excited like this was something that I really needed to do. And so, yeah, so I guess, I guess I do have bodily sensations too. So that’s another one sort of, you know, this clear feeling and another one is clear seeing. I mean, some people really can actually see symbols or patterns that may offer guidance. Sometimes, you know, you might be, maybe you, maybe you see some sort of like a sign, you know, maybe a billboard outside, you know, a couple times. And, and it’s, and it has like the same message keep, kind of keeps, you keep being aware of it, you know, And I know it has to do with our, what is it? The reticular activating system of our brain, but still, if you’re seeing that, my belief is that it’s the universe trying to tell you something and you should pay attention. And then finally clear hearing where you really do hear a voice inside your head, perhaps, or, or maybe, maybe you hear, maybe you hear like the same song come over, you know, the radio. I know we don’t do radio too much anymore because we’re listening to, you know, streaming services, Pandora and whatnot, but perhaps, you know, or maybe you just hear somebody say something that catches your attention and then you hear somebody else say something again, pretty much very similar along the same lines.

And you’re like, what is that all about? It’s your intuition and it’s a message coming to you from, like I say, from your higher self, from universe, God, whatever you believe. But I would encourage you to pay attention to that. And I know sometimes it’s not always easy to, to pay attention to that because sometimes we’re just, you know, we’ve been, we’ve been taught at Ross and I think, and I’m going to say this especially for in the business world, I think a lot of times we, you know, men. No, I’m not going to say, I’m not going to generalize men. I would say the masculine way of thinking and the masculine way of acting is much more direct and, you know, do it and, and get to it and follow the plan without leaving enough room for what the heart wants you to do. So it’s really very mental, logical. What is it? Right brain thinking. I think. Yeah, I think. I’m not sure I was. I get these confused which way it is. So, And I know a lot of times even, even as women, you know, we’re women business owners, but we still sometimes may fall into that trap of just really wanting to just follow, you know, the logical way of doing things and, and maybe ignoring some of that innate wisdom that we have. Again, I’m not going to say all women do that. I’m not going to say all men follow that way because there are definitely some men who follow their intuition as well, and, and yay for them. So what I would advise is to start. Just start paying more attention to it and, and just start sometimes being, you know, being quiet. Spending time in the quiet is a way to allow yourself to start, you know, listening for that inner voice or whatever it is, or paying attention to that gut feeling. In fact, we actually just had a recent. Well, actually, I guess it was a little while ago, but check out. There was a lovely, wonderful interview I did for the podcast with Marbeth Dunn, and she talked about somatic healing. So check it out. Go find it, whether you’re watching on YouTube or you’re listening on your favorite podcast platform. It was. It was a few weeks back, but check it out, because she also talked about the importance of listening to our gut and, and. And paying attention to that. So, so, yeah, so like I said, some ways that you can really pay attention to this is, is by spending time in. In meditation and doing. And it’s important to, to spend time in the quiet and, and maybe it’s just going for a walk. You know, you could do that, like to go out in nature. That’s. That’s definitely another good way to do it. And just start, Just start paying attention. Start paying attention to those. To those little clues that the universe is trying to send you. And, and I did want to share also, which I meant to do earlier. And again, I’m. I’m. I have a little outline I’m. I’m following. And normally I would have gotten it a bit more concrete, but like I said, I decided to follow my intuition and just go with it today. But, but there is actual scientific proof about how intuition can help us. And it’s. It’s rooted in complex, and I’m reading here, neurological processes that occur faster than conscious. And the science behind intuition says that our unconscious mind processes information at a really fast speed, and it can actually influence our decisions and perceptions before we’re even consciously aware. So, yeah, okay, so it’s. It is. The right hemisphere is the one that’s intuition. I knew I had it backwards. See, should have followed my intuition. The left brain is the logical side. Oh, there we go. Why did I never think of that before? Left brain, logical. L. Oh, my gosh. So much easier. I will never forget that again. I love that. Thank you. Thank you for that insight. And then the right brain is the creativity and intuition. And, and also our gut is, you know, often called like the second brain. And that also has ways of sensing. So it says here that the amygdala, that part of our brain can actually react to potential threats in less than 50 milliseconds. Milliseconds. And whereas conscious awareness takes like 500 to 600 milliseconds to register an experience. So we’ve got this. And, you know, we’re, we’re all energy beings. And, and you know, and again, I think it’s been proven that we do have like this energy field around us. I mean, some call it the aura, but so we, so we are picking up signals from our environment that our brain is able to process really quickly. And so it’s, it’s so cool. I mean, when you think about it, that that’s why it’s really good to start relying on your intuition. And I know also sometimes it’s like, okay, well, when do I follow practical advice and when do I lean into my intuition? Both and is the, is the, is the answer to that? And I would say, and I’m thinking here again of, of, you know, it’s, it’s good to. You want to still have like, you know, smart go your business, you know, what is it? Google it. You know, measurable, achievable, all that, all of that good stuff. You, you want to have those and you want to be flexible, though, because if your intuition says maybe delay the start of that program for another week or move it up another week and, and, and do that instead, do it now. Pay attention to those things because it’s, it’s important to, to rely, to start relying on it. And I think that’s, that’s the thing too, is that the more you do start to rely on your intuition for guidance, still keeping in mind, you know, the other things that you have to do in your business, monitoring everything else. But I believe it becomes stronger.

You know, it really does become stronger and it’s going to lead you in the right direction. And one other thing, and I think I probably said this on the podcast before too, is that especially if you are someone who listens to, you know, if you’re, if you’re getting hits where it is like a voice in your head, for instance, if that voice is being very critical and just saying, no, don’t do this. No, no, no, no, this is the wrong thing to do. No, no, no, take that with a grain of salt because it may be that that’s more of your ego that is trying to protect you and keep you safe, which is not necessarily your higher self helping you. It. It is helping you in its own way. It is trying to keep you safe and protect you. However, a voice that is more encouraging and positive, that comes in your head, that’s more likely. Well, I’m going to say, no, not even more likely. That is a voice that is coming from your higher self. That is a voice that is coming from God, source, universe. So pay real close attention to that one. You can listen to the other one a little bit and say, okay, let me. Let me use some discernment and see is this really going to serve me or is it not? Or is it going to keep me playing small, for instance? So practice, like anything, it just takes practice getting used to tuning in to your intuition. And it’s a really good practice because I tell you two, two main things. If I had, number one, if I had ignored that little voice in my head that said, you should write a book about love, I wouldn’t be doing this podcast, for one thing, because it was the idea to write the book that then prompted me to say, maybe I’ll do a podcast again. Because I had done one years ago and that was all about online marketing. And then I, I stopped it. And so I said, maybe doing the podcast will help me in writing the book. And if I had ignored my intuition to. Or that voice in my head that I got during meditation. A lot of times I get my best ideas during meditation. It was to start a net women’s networking group because I had belonged to one, but they stopped meeting in person. And so I was feeling quite down about that. I wanted to be able to meet with people in my area. And so this idea that said Soulful Women’s Network came in my head and I was like, oh, that’s a cool name. I like that. And I was having these ideas about how I could. How I could start this group. And so I went online. Now here’s. Here’s where I was doing some practical stuff. I did some research to see, okay, is anybody using the domain Soulful Women’s Network? No one was. I thought, well, maybe this is a sign that I am meant to do the Soulful Women’s Network. And so I went ahead and bought the domain and then started contacting the other folks in my area who weren’t able to do that other networking group. And so we started. And so now we meet every month. And. And I also have a free Facebook group that you can join right now. You can go to Bitly forward slash, soul network. And that’s all lowercase. I’ll have it in the show notes and you could check it out. But I’ve been doing that for three years now. I think at least two years. Yeah, I think, I think at least two. I think we’re into our third year now, and it’s lovely and I love connecting with these amazing women, both in my area and those who are in other places in the country. And so it’s, it’s wonderful and I love serving and supporting them that way. So that’s why I say when you start. And, and that’s because I had started practicing, listening to my intuition that I was able to take advantage of these ideas that come to me. So, I mean, and I, I’ve shared this on the podcast before, too. It’s like that’s how I, I wound up running a retreat a couple of years ago as well. Again, I had the idea, but then I went and sent an email and wanted to see if anybody would be interested.

Okay. I had positive feedback that, yep, people were like, yeah, that sounds good. Let me know more. And then I found out when I could have it. And then just everything seemed to align perfectly so that three months later I ran a retreat and it was amazing. So, so I hope, hope you’re convinced today to pay attention to your intuition and see how you can use it in your business to help you make decisions and, and to be able to, you know, balance it out a little bit between, you know, logic, your logical brain and your intuitive part of your brain and, and, and see where the two can come together and create magic in your business and, and in your life for that matter as well. So I hope you have receive value out of today. I hope also that you might, if you’d like, daily inspiration coming into your email inbox. I offer, I do something I, I send out every day. I send out a, what I call a daily message of love and light. And you can sign up for that again. I love my little bitly stuff. You can do bitly forward slash love light notes and that is a capital L and then lowercase o, v, e. Capital L, i, g, h, t – all lowercase and capital N notes and then all lowercase o, t e, s. I’ll have it in the show notes, don’t worry. But yeah, and I’ve, I’ve maybe one of these days I’ll have to share some of the lovely testimonials I’ve received from people who, who love getting these notes. So I hope you’ll take advantage of that. I like offering some, you know, free things for you to pay attention with and and soon actually probably the next time we chat. I do have something else exciting coming up as I am partnering with a wonderful woman who’s a past podcast guest. Her name is Jennifer Regular and we are putting together a virtual retreat, a one day like a three hour, three hour retreat and it’s going to be in April and I will have more information about that on our next episode. I again decided to just follow my intuition and just go ahead and record this today and so next time I’ll plan it out a little better and I’ll have that info for you because it’s going to be amazing. It’s really geared for light workers in particular to help you really align with your align with your purpose and so you can really chart a wonderful path forward in your business. So until we meet again, I encourage you to go out and live fully, love deeply and engage authentically.

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About the Author
An online marketer, SEO copywriter, and speaker for 15+ years, Gloria Grace Rand has helped over 150 companies including AAA and Scholastic Book Fairs attract and convert leads into sales.

Losing her older sister to cancer propelled Gloria on a journey of spiritual awakening that resulted in the publication of her international best-selling book, "Live. Love. Engage. – How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Being Yourself."

Known as “The Light Messenger” for her ability to intuitively transmit healing messages of love and light, Gloria combines a unique blend of energy healing techniques, intuition, and marketing expertise to create transformational results for her clients.

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