Contributor Guidelines

Gloria Grace Rand’s blog selectively accepts outside contributions from industry professionals. Here’s a little bit about how that works.


Articles submitted for consideration should be of interest to entrepreneurs and small business owners, have a tone that is appropriate for Gloria Grace Rand’s blog, and be written by a person, not a PR department. We like articles that spotlight new ideas about personal, spiritual and business growth, and stimulate conversations around topics and trends concerning online marketing and mindset that will engage our readers. We appreciate lively, polished writing that balances research or news with fun and memorable examples that serve to illustrate your point of view. 

While we encourage sharing your own business experiences to support your ideas, over-the-top self-promotion (of yourself or your company) will cause us to reject your article. The same goes for dense jargon and abstract, blanket assertions. 

We prefer submissions from contributors who are leaders in and knowledgeable about the types of topics we regularly cover on our blog: imposter syndrome, resilience, work-life balance, social media marketing, online marketing, SEO, SEO copywriting, entrepreneurship, and time management are popular with our readers. 

We do not focus on apps, unless they can help a small business owner be more productive, and we do not focus on games. 


Submitted articles should generally be between 600 and 900 words. We prefer pieces with applicable items such as tips and lists. Please cite sources, statistics and quotes. You may use links. Include hyperlinks instead of links in parentheses. Our editorial staff reserves to right to add rel=”nofollow” to any link or remove a link attached to words or images before or after publication.

We cannot offer to pay for contributed stories, but if they’re engaging to read and useful to our audience, we will energetically promote them, just like any other story that runs on our site. Send completed articles via email to gloria (at) gloriarand dot com.


For stories we do choose to publish:

  • All articles are subject to editing.
  • Headlines and subheads are subject to change.
  • Content may be edited for style, tone, or substance.
  • Links may be added for context.
  • Art will be added at our discretion.
  • Articles may or may not be promoted in our newsletters, and via our social feeds.


  • If you want to include images, please also share them via an online service (Flickr, Dropbox, etc.) and include the link. You can use your own images, but please note that. Note the source if you are using an image from a photo licensing service like AP, Getty, or Shutterstock. Also, include the name and email address of your representative so we can verify that you have rights to the image. You are solely responsible for obtaining these rights. By submitting a post, you represent and warrant to ReadWrite that you have done so.
  • When submitting infographics, make sure the image is no wider than 600 pixels.
  • All images must have alt tags and title attributes. Use the title of the post or a brief photo description.
  • Do not use charts, graphs, or illustrations from other websites unless our editorial staff has approved it.
  • We do not accept any images that have a brand, logo, or external links displayed on them. There should not be any branded images that may appear to make the post into sponsored content.


If your article is accepted please include a brief bio and high res headshot as well as your social media handles. We will link to your company website or blog as applicable.



Submissions are reviewed about once a week, and the process is selective. Due to high volumes, we’re unable to respond to all submissions. If you don’t receive a response within one week of submitting, it’s safe to assume that your piece was not selected for publication. Following up will not speed our review or improve the likelihood of a story’s acceptance. We’re unable to give feedback about why a submission may not have been selected for publication.

We request that contributed articles remain exclusive to our site for three to five business days, after which time they may be reprinted in part or in full on other sites, with a link back to the original article on Gloria Grace Rand’s blog.