I recently had the pleasure of seeing Jay Conrad Levinson speak about the differences between traditional marketing and guerrilla marketing. If you haven’t heard of the godfather of guerrilla marketing – grab one of his books at your local library. Then get ready to fork over some cash, since you’ll probably want a few of his books to re-read over and over again. Check out this Amazon.com listing to see the vast selection.
So what makes Levinson so special? This advertising legend, part of the creative team behind the Marlboro Man, Pillsbury Doughboy, Tony the Tiger, and the Jolly Green Giant, has revolutionized the idea of marketing by teaching that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to earn big profits.
Watch this video for yourself, and learn how guerrilla marketers succeed at building their businesses:
Check out Jay’s website and sign up for his weekly email newsletter to receive a Guerrilla Marketing tip of the week to boost your company’s profits. You’ll be glad you did!