If you have a website for your business, you know how important it is to get that site on page one of Google, right? Of course, right! Your website is your livelihood. Your customers aren’t using the Yellow Pages anymore to find the product or service you offer. That’s so last century. 🙂
Your prospects are searching for you on Google. (And they’re searching on their smartphones and tablets, but that’s a story for another day!)
What you may NOT know is how to avoid making a mistake on your website that will trigger a Google penalty. Why? Because if Google penalizes your website, you may lose that precious page one ranking for your keywords. And that could cost you big bucks as a result. If your prospect can’t find you online, you can be sure they’re finding your competitor.
How do you know what mistakes to avoid?
Take a look at the following infographic from Quicksprout. It includes several tactics and best practices to ensure that your website stays on Google’s good side!