How to Get Your YouTube Videos Seen by Prospects

Do you watch YouTube videos very often? I”m guessing the answer is yes. Why? Well, for one thing you’re on the internet reading this blog. YouTube has over a billion users – almost one-third of everyone on the Internet! And there are about 4 billion video views on YouTube every day.

Here’s the thing. If you’re watching YouTube, it’s probably a safe bet that many of your prospects and customers are watching too. The next question is, ‘Are they watching YOUR videos?” And if not, why not?

I’ve posted many articles on this blog about video marketing and YouTube in particular. In today’s podcast episode, you’ll hear me talk about 7 essential ingredients your videos need in order to get seen by more of your prospects and customers on YouTube.

Those ingredients are:

        • Provide value
        • Relevancy
        • Short
        • Demonstrable
        • Call to Action
        • Keywords
        • Consistency

        You can listen to the episode above, or on iTunes or Stitcher (where I’d LOVE to get your reviews when you have a moment.)

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        Why Your Social Media Strategy Must Include Video [INFOGRAPHIC]

        sm video infographic

        When was the last time you watched a YouTube video? If you’re like most people, it was within the last week. If you have a product or service to sell, video must be part of your social media strategy. Gone are the days when you needed a high-priced camera to shoot a video. Now, anyone with a smartphone or tablet can shoot a video, and upload it to YouTube in a matter of minutes. The resulting video can be embedded on your website, blog and included in an email marketing campaign.

        If you’re still not convinced, QuickSprout has put together an infographic with some compelling statistics including:

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        Why Consistency Matters in Business

        time money effortJust got off the phone with one of my clients, who sent me an email saying she’s thinking of trying something different with her business because she’s really struggling to get clients. It’s a familiar story that many small business owners share. However, she’s only been going after this particular target market for 9 months – and her marketing efforts have been sporadic.

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