5 Must-Have WordPress Plugins You Need to Know About

5 must-have wordpress pluginsI recently learned a lesson about spamming that prompted me to share with you my list of must-have WordPress plugins.

When I switched to a WordPress-based website, I installed the Contact Form plugin to make it easy for people to request information about my SEO copywriting and social media marketing/consulting services. Everything was going great, until I started getting spam emails through my Contact Form. After searching the Internet for help, I found that I needed a different plugin. That’s when I installed:

Contact Form 7 – This plugin works like a charm for filtering spam. When a word like “viagra” is included in the subject line, the message won’t go through, as you can see below:

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Top 5 Reasons Why E-mail Should Still be a Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing
By Alan Lucas of make-a-web-site.com
A lot of companies are starting to go away from e-mail marketing and just get into blogging because of how much bad reputation email marketing gets. People have a ton of new spam filtering programs. The truth is, e-mail marketing might not be as effective as it was 10 years ago, but it still has plenty of value and is still a viable marketing tool. We are going to cover the top 5 reasons as to why you should still have e-mail marketing in your strategies. 

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