5 Proven Social Media Platforms to Try Out in 2018

social media platforms

By now, if you’re a small business owner or an entrepreneur, you’ve implemented a social media marketing campaign on Facebook — maybe Twitter. You understand the importance of encouraging your audience to share information about new products and react to how your target audience responds.

Facebook and Twitter may be the juggernauts of the social media marketing platforms, but there are plenty of other social media platforms you should have a strategy for in 2018 to gain more clients, analyze feedback about your company or brand, and to conduct market research. Below are some other social media platforms rather than Facebook and Twitter that can help you reach a much wider array of demographics that future clients may be hiding in. 

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Why People Share Content on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC]

Share content on FacebookThe latest algorithm change to promote more content on Facebook from a user’s friends and family is not great news for business page admins. It means very few of your fans will see your content unless you pay for advertising… or make that content uber-appealing!

How can you spark more engagement on your Facebook business page?

One way is to start posting more videos. Especially live video. The social networking site is making a big push into this arena. The effort is paying off. In fact, Facebook users are spending up to 3x more time watching live video than pre-recorded videos.

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How to Grow Your Business with Hashtags [INFOGRAPHIC]


Whether you’re new to social media or an old pro by now, you’ve probably noticed posts on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ or Instagram that contain words preceded by the pound sign (#). These are called hashtags. And depending on your point of view, they can be either helpful or annoying.

I’m voting for helpful. They point out keywords in your post, which makes it more readily searchable by your followers, prospects and customers. And that’s always a good thing!

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