Core Elements of Effective Search Engine Optimization [INFOGRAPHIC]

seoIt still surprises me to come across so many small business websites that fail to have an effective search engine optimization strategy. I recently began a new SEO project for an old client. They had their website updated to make it mobile responsive, but the title and description tags for each web page were not optimized for search. I wrote keyword-rich tags and content for their old website. Now, I’m going to update the tags for the new site.

Having keyword-rich title and description tags are just one element to an effective SEO strategy. Digital Marketing Philippines put together an infographic, which you can see below, that clearly explains the other key SEO elements a website needs to help it organically land on page one of a search engine results page for a particular query.

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4 Questions to Ask before Hiring a Web Designer

Are you hiring a web designer to create a website for your business, or update your existing one? Make sure you ask this person some tough questions prior to signing any contract or forking over any of your hard-earned cash.

Before I give you the list of questions, let me explain why I’m writing this article today.

I met with a local service provider last week who is trying to compete against some major players in his industry. He just spent over $30K to revamp his website and was frustrated that he wasn’t getting the phone calls he expected.

When I looked at the website, the content itself was fine. But I saw right away that it was missing a key element.

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3 Common SEO Mistakes and How to Fix Them

By Gloria Rand
Common SEO Mistakes Worrying about the latest algorithm change from Google won’t make a difference to your website’s search ranking if you’ve made a common SEO mistake like optimizing for common words or using your company name as the title tag for every page on your website. Here are three other SEO mistakes to avoid, and how to fix them:

1. Building poor quality backlinks – Link building is an important part of online marketing, but it’s not the “be all and end all” as my mother used to say. Some unscrupulous SEO firms tout the importance of backlinks, but they charge you a fortune to acquire poor quality links from spam websites, irrelevant sites or sites built solely for the purpose of exchanging links. The problem with this strategy is that it can do more harm to your business website than good, especially in the post-Google Penguin era.

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What NOT to Do on Your LinkedIn Company Page

Gloria Rand SEO Copywriter LinkedIn Company Page By Gloria Rand

LinkedIn company pages can be a powerful marketing tool for your business, when they’re used effectively. But too many companies set up a page and just include a brief description instead of taking advantage of the various features LinkedIn provides. If you want to create a vibrant page that will attract followers and generate leads for your business, beware of making the following mistakes that some companies are doing:

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Gloria Rand’s Top 10 Blog Posts of 2012

top 10 2012With 2013 on the horizon, I think it’s a good time to take a look back at 2012. It was certainly a tumultuous year for… Facebook! (Yes, it was an election year here in the U.S. but there are plenty of other blogs that can comment on that front.) The social networking site made headlines all year long: switching business pages to Timeline, launching an initial public offering (and seeing its share price tank), and then struggling to monetize its business by introducing new advertising initiatives. Of course, Facebook wasn’t the only big story of 2012. Pinterest introduced business pages to tap into its growing popularity as a social network. Google+ struggled to stay relevant by introducing communities (I’m still not convinced!), while Twitter and LinkedIn both updated the look of their profile pages.

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SEO Value of Blog Comments

SEO value and blog comments by Gloria Rand

Ever get stuck for blog article ideas? Client questions are a great resource. In fact, that’s exactly what sparked the topic for today’s article!

One of my clients recently asked me, “Can comments on web-based articles help with rankings in Google as far as SEO is concerned?” The reason for his question is because he had just received this comment from his webhost: “Content” does influence SEO but it’s only the content inside an article or post. Google, Bing, and Yahoo do not look at the comments to determine any type of SEO ranking.”

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Why it Pays to Spend Money on Website Content

When will people learn that good writing is NOT a commodity, especially when it comes to website content? You can’t expect to get good quality content and only pay a penny a word!

Ok, let me explain what prompted this rant….

I’m a member of the American Writers & Artists copywriting group on LinkedIn. I received one of my regular emails from LinkedIn today with the latest discussions and comments from the group. One of the new discussions caught my eye. The headline read: SEO Friendly Content Writing – Only $1 / 100 words!!! Try now.

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