Why the New LinkedIn Home Page is Driving Me Crazy!

LinkedIn home page confusion

LinkedIn home page confusion I’ve been using LinkedIn for five years now. In that time, they’ve made quite a few changes. Some good. Some bad.

In the good column: Allowing users to add video and presentations from Slideshare to your profile.

In the bad column: Eliminating events

The latest change seemed great at first – LinkedIn streamlined its home page to make it easy to keep track of your latest activity, including who viewed your profile, and how your profile has ranked in the last 30 days. It also made it easy to share an update, upload a photo, and publish a post, as you can see below.

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LinkedIn Do’s and Don’ts – [INFOGRAPHIC]

linkedin do's and don'tsLinkedin can be a terrific lead generating tool for B2B companies, in particular. But many business professionals still have no clue how to use the social networking site properly to attract clients or find a job. Too many treat it the same as Facebook or Twitter. But there is a different vibe on LinkedIn. It’s more “professional.” Think cocktail party, not tailgating party. The tone is set right at the beginning with your profile. It carries through in the posts you share, and the conversations that take place in groups.

Top Dog Social Media put together a useful infographic that shares 20 LinkedIn Do’s and Don’ts. I’ve written about some of these in my own blog articles. Here are a few of the tips to keep in mind when using LinkedIn for business:

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