2016 Back to School Marketing Guide [INFOGRAPHIC]

It may still be August, but back to school season is in the air! Well…technically it’s been wafting around for a few months now, as many retailers whip their campaigns out as early as the 4th of July holiday.

back to school marketing guide

As shown in the infographic below, the first days of school varies widely across the country, which is why this season can span several months. And because of this extended marketing season, buying habits can vary greatly depending on the supply. For example, retailers sell the most notebooks and calculators in July. By August, snacks and food lead the way.

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Why It’s Important to Test Before Launching a New Program

test new programToday’s blog post is about lessons.

#1 – Don’t be in a hurry to launch a new program.

#2 – Remember to test, re-test and test again before launching a new program.

Why is this important? If you don’t follow rules #1 and #2, your launch is likely to fail. At the very least, you could miss out on helping the people who need you the most!

How do I know this? I recently failed to follow rules #1 and #2! Argh!!!!

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5 Ways Your Business Can Profit from Slideshare


Have you ever produced a PowerPoint presentation for a webinar or other marketing event? If so, did you know that you can get a lot more mileage out of that presentation if you upload it to Slideshare?

It’s true!

In today’s podcast, I share five ways you can use this social networking site to generate leads for your business and improve your profitability!

You can listen to the episode above, or on iTunes or Stitcher (where I’d LOVE to get your reviews when you have a moment.)

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Top 3 Reasons Why Your Company Needs an Advertising Agency

Jupiter advertising agency As a small business owner, you wear many different hats in your company – from marketing and sales to customer service, accounting manager and more. How do you juggle all of these roles and still have time to produce the product or services your customers need? The best way is to get some help with the jobs you don’t like to do, the jobs you don’t have time to do and the jobs you don’t have the expertise to do.

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