30 Helpful Tips to Easily Grow Your Facebook Page [INFOGRAPHIC]

How is your Facebook page performing? Are you getting enough likes, comments and shares on your posts? If not, it may be time to re-examine your posting strategy. If you’re not being consistent and sharing high quality content regularly, that’s one BIG problem right there!

30 Days of Facebook Page tips

I know it’s tough to connect with your Facebook fans without paying for ads. The organic reach of a typical Facebook page is about 1 percent or less these days. But it’s not impossible to get engagement without spending money. One of my clients has a Facebook page who gets organic reach of nearly 50 percent on some posts.

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Top 3 Ways to Boost Facebook Reach without Paying for Ads

boost facebook reach

boost facebook reach Are you struggling to get your Facebook posts seen by your fans? I feel your pain. I’m having the same trouble! But I have found 3 surefire ways to boost Facebook reach organically, so you don’t have to spend money on ads.

One word of caution. Even though these methods are helpful, ads have their place too. If you are promoting an event like a webinar or running a special deal on a product or service, you should invest in Facebook ads. They work. And you don’t have to spend an arm or a leg either! But that’s an article for another day. 🙂

Here are my 3 favorite ways to boost Facebook reach, in order of effectiveness.

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How a Facebook Page Can Like another Facebook Page

A Facebook Page administrator recently asked me how she could “like” her customers’ Facebook pages. She didn’t want to personally like these pages, mind you. She wanted her Business page to “like” them. The only way to do this is to use Facebook AS a business page. In the following video, I walk you through just how to do that, and how to then, go about liking another page.

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19 Ways to Boost Your Facebook News Feed Reach

I recently wrote how Facebook has tweaked its news feed algorithm. As a result, plain status updates don’t get the news feed reach that they once did. I’ve found that reach has been down across the board, no matter what type of post I share – link, photo or status update.

But there is hope. I tried a couple of strategies recently that did increase the reach. One involved sharing the following post on my personal Facebook page:

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