Create High Converting Web Content That Sells

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Permission Marketing

I apologize for the long lapse between postings, but I’ve been on vacation in Williamsburg, VA & Washington, DC with my family.  Lots of history, lots of walking, and little time for the internet!  Everyone needs a little break from technology once in a while – despite the avalanche of email I’m now having to plow through.  Sigh…

Oh well. It’s back to work now, so let’s get to it.   While I was away, I did use the downtime while my husband was driving the interstate to finish reading Seth Godin’s “Permission Marketing.”  For anyone who wants to succeed online, this is a must-read!  Granted, the book is ten years old, but the content is still relevant today.   (If you want to read the first four chapters for free, click here.)

As we all know, time is a precious commodity.  There just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done.  And as I discovered on vacation, e-mail inboxes can get mighty clogged when you’re away!   What if a marketer wanted to sell me something, and his email got lost in all my clutter?  A very real possibility.

The key is getting permission to market to me.  If I knew someone was trying to send me a newsletter related to a product I purchased, I could always search through the barrage of e-mail to find exactly what I was looking for.

So, how do you go about getting permission?  Online, you should make sure that your website is geared toward signing up strangers to give you permission to market to them.  Don’t trick anybody.  Just be clear that you’d like their email address in order to share something of value with them.

Then, you engage in a dialogue.  Don’t try to sell them something right away.  Send useful information, a newsletter, a birthday greeting, if possible.  Only after you’ve gained a little trust, should you try to sell something.  You’ll be much more successful in the long run, by taking the time to cultivate a relationship.

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About the Author
Known as The Insightful Copywriter, Gloria Grace Rand is also an inspirational speaker, author and host of the Live. Love. Engage. podcast. Prior to launching her SEO Copywriting business in 2009, Gloria spent nearly two decades in television, most notably as writer and producer for the award-winning PBS financial news program, “Nightly Business Report.”

Gloria turned to writing as a way to communicate, since growing up with an alcoholic father and abusive mother taught her that it was safer to be seen and not heard. But not speaking her truth caused Gloria problems such as overeating, control issues, and an inability to fully trust people. After investing in coaching & personal development programs, and studying spiritual books like “A Course in Miracles,” Gloria healed her emotional wounds. Today, she helps entrepreneurs develop clarity, confidence and connection to the truth of who you are, so you can create a business that has more impact, influence and income!

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