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Best Email Subject Lines – Part 2 [PODCAST]

Yesterday, I shared four categories of email subject lines that should increase your chances of getting your email messages opened on a regular basis.

In today’s podcast, I present five more categories of subject lines that have proven to be effective in boosting email open rates.

You can listen to today’s episode above, or on iTunes or Stitcher (where I’d LOVE to get your reviews when you have a moment.)

Further reading relevant to this episode:

How to Boost Email Open Rates [INFOGRAPHIC]

Why It Pays to Proofread Your Email

How SEO Techniques Can Help Your Email Marketing Campaign

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About the Author
An online marketer, SEO copywriter, and speaker for 15+ years, Gloria Grace Rand has helped over 150 companies including AAA and Scholastic Book Fairs attract and convert leads into sales.

Losing her older sister to cancer propelled Gloria on a journey of spiritual awakening that resulted in the publication of her international best-selling book, "Live. Love. Engage. – How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Being Yourself."

Known as “The Light Messenger” for her ability to intuitively transmit healing messages of love and light, Gloria combines a unique blend of energy healing techniques, intuition, and marketing expertise to create transformational results for her clients.

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