Small business owners – do you need some ideas for engaging with your Facebook fans? Here are some tips to help you better connect with your followers:
1. I Squared Or E CubedI post informative & inspiring articles (i squared) that my followers will enjoy/educate Thanks to Mo Knowles of Mac-n-Mo’s | |
2. Provoke & AskWhether I post an inspiring quote, a motivational link or article, or promote self-care, I pose a provocative question and ask for a reaction, to be posted down below. Thanks to Janet Grosshandler of Get Stronger, Girlfriend | |
3. Pimp Out Your Pets!I engage my fans and get my content shared the most when I pimp out my cat “Missy Lee.” She’s cute, photogenic and smart (I post her best quotes). Using her picture with my content stops even the fastest Facebook crawler from scrolling down past her. I know that people stop because of entertainment value but they end up passing my content on based on the education value. Make ’em smile and they will share the love! Thanks to Jennifer Lee of Coach Jenn Lee | |
4. Get To Know Them, Offer To Educate Them.I first try to get to know them, where they work, the things they like and who our shared connections are. Then I reach out to them and ask if I can help them find clients in any way. I then try and educate them as to why my company is different and offer to show them by offering incentives such as buying lunch etc.. If it’s someone that I’m marketing to, I let them know that we are still one of the few companies that still maintain a million dollar professional insurance policy and follow-up! Thanks to Rick Burns of Land-Tech Surveying & Mapping Corp. | |
5. Engagement From The HeartWhen I give a little bit of what I see is wanted or needed out amongst the conversations on the net, I give a bit more back to raise the energy of that need. Re affirming we are all One , all in the same boat and supporting each other in growth of our neighbors businesses , will support our own businesses growth as well. Thanks to Karen Rudolf of TranquilSOULutions, LLC | |
6. Share Useful Tips and PhotosPost snippets of what you do, such as helpful tips related to your industry, along with photos to create interest in your business. Thanks to Aubrey Kahn of Firm Foundation Home Inspections | |
7. Music RocksAsking my fans what music they like has been very successful. Thanks to Matt Rinkerman of Eagle Wine Advisors | |
![]() | 8. Lighten Up!We use humor in our FB posts. When “planking” was the thing to do on FB we created “monkeying around” and took a picture of the 3 of us in the office posed as the 3 monkeys: hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. If you haven’t liked us yet, check us out at Friends of Park Place Title on FB to see some of our antics. We also took pictures of us at a business expo dipping our feet in the hotel pool during lunch etc. We like to inform, but we also like to have fun too! Thanks to Barbara Stewart of Park Place Title |
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