The six-month mastermind for spiritual entrepreneurs building & growing a business aligned with their soul’s purpose.

Let’s have a quick chat to see if this program is right for you! 

Does This Sound Familiar?

You’re passionate about your business. But when it comes to marketing, fear of rejection keeps you from getting the word out effectively. It’s frustrating, because you know you’re here to make a big impact!

You value training and support. But the programs you’ve invested in only took you so far. Now you’re stuck and stressed, with little time for self-care. 

What would it feel like to fully own your power and shine as a confident, magnetic spiritual entrepreneur? 



Joining a program that shows you how to embrace self-love, so you can feel empowered and confident in your ability to build the business you’ve always dreamed of.

Joining a program that allows you to shed self-doubt and negative thought patterns, igniting a deep sense of alignment that releases the UNLIMITED POTENTIAL within.  

Joining a program that is split into THREE UNIQUE PHASES.

(Align to Shine Academy)
(Align for Abundance)
(Align for Inspired Impact)

Joining a program that enables you to step into your power, shine brightly, and watch your business thrive with ease and grace!

align to shine roadmap



Imagine joining a community of  entrepreneurs who want to build their businesses with enhanced clarity and confidence so you can easily attract ideal clients. Build your business the L.O.V.E. way by following all the steps on our align to shine roadmap.



Imagine the transformation you’ll achieve by letting go of limiting beliefs, owning your value, and trusting your intuition. We also teach you the Science of Getting Rich, and offer sound healing to release energetic blocks, allowing you to manifest abundance with ease.



Imagine the impact you’ll make and the influence you’ll gain when your marketing message is aligned with your soul’s purpose. Following our Align to Shine Roadmap, you will also focus on developing meaningful connections & collaborations.

I see you!

I had a successful career as a television writer/producer. But being my own boss was different. I struggled with pricing and marketing because I doubted my value as an SEO Copywriter.

The truth is, past trauma was kicking my butt! Old limiting beliefs had resurfaced, and they got worse when I lost my big sister to cancer. She’d been my cheerleader, reminding me of my worth when imposter syndrome reared its ugly head.

So after months of grieving and dwindling sales in my business – I decided to RECLAIM MY LIFE so I could be, do, and have what my Soul always wanted for me!


Within one year of deciding to reclaim my life, I had embraced my role as a light language channeler and published an
international bestseller on self-confidence!

Hi! I'm Gloria "Grace"

I’m a proud mom of 2 amazing young adults, and currently live 10 minutes from the beach along the central coast of Florida – my happy place! I live here with my two cats, Fiona and Jackson.

I am the CEO of a Holistic Consulting Business called “Align to Shine Masterminds” where I help spiritual entrepreneurs create harmony between their business goals and spiritual values for lasting success!

I am an award-winning SEO Copywriter, Business Coach & Consultant. I have a Mass Communications degree in TV/Radio/Film and was a writer/producer for the national Public Television show, Nightly Business Report.

I am the author of the international bestseller, “Live. Love. Engage. – How to Stop Doubting Yourself and Start Being Yourself,” and contributing author to 3 other best-selling books. And I’m the producer and host of the top-ranked Live. Love. Engage. podcast, with listeners in 129 countries.

I also run the Align to Shine Mastermind, helping high performing spiritual entrepreneurs  enhance their clarity and confidence so they can easily attract ideal clients and increase their influence, impact, and income!

The way I teach my students combines practical advice with a spiritual perspective. I believe success comes from developing a loving relationship with your higher self. With that comes the confidence to trust your inner guidance. As you take inspired action, your business grows and flourishes with ease and grace!

“I am honored to be among women devoted to their spiritual evolution. The Light Language experience created a deeper connection with Source and the level of peace and clarity in my own Sacred Space Design work took a huge leap.”

- Elyse Santoro

“What a calming and comforting experience! Since my (light language) session, I have been very loving to myself and have had the confidence needed to face each day.” 

- Cheri Martin



1)  When you’re plagued by self-doubt, negative thought loops, and imposter syndrome, it becomes challenging to make decisions with clarity and conviction. Failing to trust your intuition can lead to missed opportunities, and a daily internal struggle. No fun!

2) Trying the latest and greatest marketing strategies won’t make a difference when negative thought patterns lead you into a cycle of self-sabotage, holding you back from embracing your true worth. With one foot on the gas, and the other on the brake, your business winds up going nowhere fast!

3)  Overcoming these obstacles is essential for spiritual entrepreneurs to unlock their full potential and thrive in their business. The ones who address these inner struggles and cultivate a mindset of empowerment and self-belief find it easy to attract a passionate tribe of satisfied clients who refer you and hire you again and again.

this is for you if...

this is not for you if...

In this program, I will share with you...


This is my proven method that helps spiritual entrepreneurs build and grow a business aligned with their soul’s purpose.



Self-Love Superstars

Set up a strong foundation for success by strengthening the connection with your higher self. Gain clarity and confidence through daily journaling on the four pillars of the L.O.V.E. method. Release energetic blocks through weekly light language healing sessions.  


Mighty Manifestors

Engage in daily L.O.V.E. practices to let go of limiting beliefs & expectations, own your value, and trust your intuition. Next, you’ll practice opening your heart to receive through a 4-week study and application of the SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH. Set intentions and track evidence daily to acknowledge the abundance you are manifesting.


Inspired Influencers

Review and revise your marketing messages to ensure they align with your values. Update social media profiles, create/edit media one sheet, update bio & elevator pitch so you can pursue speaking opportunities, joint ventures and other collaborations. 

align to shine
self-love superstars

— Begin your journey inside our Self-Love Superstars Tier with instruction on the L.O.V.E. Method’s four core principles.

—  Daily journal prompts help you gain clarity on unconscious beliefs and blockages that can be released during light language healing sessions.   

— Once you’ve grasped the L.O.V.E. principles, and are feeling more confident about yourself, it’s time to develop a personalized spiritual routine to reinforce the teaching in your daily life. 

align to shine
Mighty Manifestors

— Now that you have developed confidence and clarity through your daily spiritual practice, you are ready to validate the L.O.V.E. Method. 

— You will study and complete the workbook lessons in the Science of Getting Rich so you can begin opening your heart to receive.

— As you track daily evidence of abundance in 4 areas: material, relationship, spiritual, and self-care, you’ll gain confidence in your ability to manifest the life you desire.

inspired influencers

— With your self-worth firmly established, we will review your business to ensure it aligns with your values and recommend adjustments where appropriate. 

— You will create/edit your media one sheet, bios and elevator pitch so you are prepared to showcase your value to prospects and potential partners. 

— With your well-developed confidence, clarity, and connections, you are able to live fully, love deeply, and engage authentically. 

included in the mastermind


live coaching & love seats

Monthly group coaching and mastermind for brainstorming. Plus monthly 1:1 coaching calls (depending on joining tier)


Monthly group calls to ask questions and obtain clarification about the program.


Monthly group energy healing sessions (Tier 1 & 2) Two private sessions to address specific needs (Tier 3)


Videos, workbook, and journal prompts on the L.O.V.E. Method and The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

Facebook Community

Access replays, post questions, share your progress and successes



Members will be paired up and expected to meet on their own weekly for accountability and support.

Why work with me

Can we talk, “heart to heart”?

One of the hardest lessons I had to learn as an entrepreneur is that it’s OK to ask for help.

Too many women start a business and think they have to figure it all out on their own. They think asking for help means they’re weak.


It means you’re smart enough to realize you don’t know all the answers.

Successful entrepreneurs know this. That’s why they get support. They hire coaches and they join masterminds.

Running a business isn’t easy in the best of times. In the worst of times, it can be downright overwhelming.

That’s how I felt when my sister passed.

Thankfully, I was in a mastermind when it happened, and the group held space for my grief. 

They offered me support when I lost the passion for my business. 

And they encouraged me to follow the inspiration I had to develop the L.O.V.E. Method.

For that, I am eternally grateful. Now, it’s my turn to pay it forward with the Align to Shine Mastermind. 

You can count on me to do my best to be: 

Honest and Fair, Friendly and Helpful, Considerate and Caring, Courageous and Strong, and Responsible for what I Say and Do.

If that sounds familiar, it’s part of the Girl Scout Law that I recited when I was a scout and a leader for my daughter’s troop.🥰

frequently asked questions

Just in case you have a few more questions, I’ve compiled a list of Q’s and A’s.

We will meet via Zoom. Days and times will be determined once the group is formed to maximize attendance.

No way! Masterminds are all about interaction. You get out of it what you put into it. There will be some listening during the calls. But each member will be expected to participate, to share their challenges, experience, resources and encouragement for the good of the group. Please be in a quiet environment where you won’t be disturbed! 

Yes! The ability to communicate in clear, confident and compelling ways is based on a series of concrete skills that any professional can master — as long as you have the right help. I will provide you with all the tools you need!

To join the others, you only need a few things to get started. One, a willingness to get out of your comfort zone. Two, a sincere desire to share your message with more people. Three, an open mind to help you significantly improve your in person and online communications… and your financial future.

Each meeting will be recorded so you can go back and review. It is expected that you will attend the Mastermind calls (1x a month), and as much as possible the group coaching / Q&A calls (1 x month). I understand life may happen, but if you miss several meetings we will have a conversation as to whether you are still a fit for the group. Remember, the power of the group is in having the commitment of everyone to support one another. Showing up on the occasions when YOU need support is selfish and undermines the cohesion and success of the entire group. 

Additional questions? Contact us or call (877) 960-5415. 

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and it’s potential. There is no guarantee, express or implied, that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas shared at this event and in the materials provided. Examples given are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the efforts and skill of the person applying all or part of the concepts, ideas and strategies contained in our course and course materials. These are for illustrative purposes only and should not be interpreted as examples of what consumers can generally expect from our course. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas and techniques mentioned your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions. You are releasing us from any liability or claims associated with this or any of our programs and promotions and we shall in no way be held liable to any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incident or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of this material. This event and material are in no way to be constructed as counseling in Psychological, Medical, Legal or any type of Therapy. It is the responsibility of the individual to seek such professional(s) services as deemed necessary.

©MMXIV Gloria Grace Rand, Web to Wealth Marketing 

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