It’s amazing how quickly Pinterest has morphed from a cool image-sharing site, to a robust revenue generating social media platform. The third most popular social networking site has grown to more than 70 million users. And more importantly, those users shop!
According to Rich Relevance, Pinterest shoppers spend significantly more per checkout – averaging between $140-$180 per order compared with consistent $80 and $60 orders for Facebook and Twitter shoppers, respectively. 70% of brand engagement is generated by Pinterest users, not brands, and 60% of Pinterest purchases were discovered via the Pinterest channel. The lesson here is that brands shouldn’t rely on their own channel exclusively, but should encourage pinning and re-pinning of their content.
This infographic from Social Media Explorer, based on findings from a larger study, From Social to Sale: 8 Questions to Ask Your Customers, demonstrates just how Pinterest drives retail traffic. Here are a few other interesting stats from the graphic:
►20% of Pinterest users have purchased from a store after pinning or liking an item on Pinterest
►33% of Pinterest users under the age of 35 have purchased after pinning or liking an item
►80% of Pinterest-inspired purchases occur within 3 weeks of a user pinning a product or service
If you’re not active on Pinterest yet, what’s stopping you? The social networking site is an excellent place to drive traffic to your website, blog and retail store!