I recently wrote how Facebook has tweaked its news feed algorithm. As a result, plain status updates don’t get the news feed reach that they once did. I’ve found that reach has been down across the board, no matter what type of post I share – link, photo or status update.
But there is hope. I tried a couple of strategies recently that did increase the reach. One involved sharing the following post on my personal Facebook page:
When I first posted that picture, the reach was only about 15 people. After I shared it, the reach started going up. And eventually, someone else shared the picture, and the reach climbed even higher – 74 people as of this writing. So, I’m calling this strategy a success. I wouldn’t try it every day. But you could do it once a week, as long as the post would be relevant to your Facebook friends.
I’ve tried another couple of tactics to boost reach, such as including a “like box” in my website that displays my latest posts, as well as embedding a Facebook post in a blog article (like I did above!). These strategies are included in a useful article from Social Media Examiner called, “.” You can read that article by clicking here:
Have you experienced a big drop in reach for your Facebook page? If so, please share your experience in the comments below and what you’re doing to boost your Facebook news feed reach.